
Touch typing tournament 2023-24


The May review


As we enter the final month, the same three pupils occupy the top positions!


Michelle, Emily, and Vanessa all now have the same score, with their accuracy being the only thing separating them! 



However, Emily and Vanessa are also tied on an accuracy of 95%! 



Could it be any closer?



It’s the last month to enter our tournament. Thank you to all our teachers and pupils for making it so exciting. You are all winners.








Well done Michelle! You’ve retained the crown for another month.


With just two months to go until the end of another year, will any faster fingers steal the lead?



Welcome to our new schools entering the tournament for the first time. It is so refreshing to see so many new pupils honing their skills








Wow, wow and wow!


Students from St. Pauls' have entered the tournament and are not in the mood to relinquish their trophy!


However, will Michelle keep the crown with last month's champion not far behind?


Well done, Michelle, on leading the way.



There are only three months to go, and with digital exams in the pipeline, why not hone those typing skills. It's free to enter, and you may win that trophy!












Regina is still top of the leaderboard and is our first-ever leap-year champion!


She’s outstanding but don’t rest on your laurels, Regina, as Leonard and William are very close!



With more schools entering, will it stay the same in March?


Can Regina remain at No. 1, or will we have a new leader?


It really is up to YOU. 


Hone your typing skills by entering the tournament; it’s free, and you may just land on the leaderboard!










Regina has ended January as she ended 2023!


No. 1


However, with a flurry of new schools entering the tournament and lots of jostling for positions, February is already looking interesting.





Well done to all our pupils and


very well done, Regina, in retaining the crown.









With joint places on the leaderboard, it really has been a season of goodwill and sharing to all!


Welcome to 2024. 

We wish all our students the best for the year ahead and preparedness for their exams, careers and future.

The crown has now changed ownership for January. 

Regina has thrown down her gloves and is our New Year leader. 

Very well done, Regina.

Will she guard her leadership, or will she be challenged?


Happy New Year and best wishes for 2024!










There is a first for everything and here is something that has never happened before but is very, very Christmassy! After all, ’tis the season of goodwill to all and one especially for sharing.


First place is being shared by three pupils!


Second place is being shared by two pupils and


Third place is also being shared by two!


Well done Daniel, Zafer and Regina on being our Christmas leaders!



There is no better message to send at this time of year than one of sharing.


We also welcome to the tournament CSET, Kings Academy Binfield, and Beaumont schools and we look forward to highlighting some of your pupils on the leaderboard in the coming months. This year's uptake has been fantastic, with numbers already up on last year. 


Entering the tournament encourages pupils to hone and develop their typing skills. It's a skill that can be developed during the holidays and one that, with practise, will get them typing and on the leaderboard!


Who will be our 2024 NEW Year's Champion?

Could it be YOU?


Please tag us on social media @KazType












Well, the ruthless streak in competitors has resurfaced yet again. 


Q. Is there any room for friendship in this competition? 

Ans. NO.


Daniel still leads the way, but Fin has ‘touched-typed’ Junming into third!  


Come on, everyone, automatise those skills!


Calling all schools, it’s never too early to join the tournament.



Administrators, simply 'click' the red button on your admin panel to automatically enter your pupils into the tournament. 



Once entered, pupil’s ‘click’ the trophy symbol at the top of their screen for a one-touch login to the tournament.






September 2023


And, we're off!


Well, they do say, 'the early bird…’



Hastings High School have assumed the lead with a flurry of activity! However, ESMS and Benenden are close on their heels. 



Although their scores won't count, some teachers are creating excitement and joining in the fun by entering themselves, and creating inter-school competitions. 



Come on, pupils, show the teachers!


A new trophy awaits the winning school and, let's not forget… the prestige. 




To all our other schools who still need to enroll - administrators, simply 'click' the red button on your admin panel to automatically enter your pupils into the tournament. 



Once entered, pupil’s ‘click’ the trophy symbol at the top of their sc



reen for a one-touch login to the tournament.




KAZ’s 2023/2024 Touch Typing Tournament


So, another school year begins. What will it bring? A new champion? 


YOU decide.


Welcome to all our new schools.


Last year's competition had a record number of tests taken. We hope that the spirit of the competition and the commitment and effort put in by teachers has impressed on pupils that learning can be enjoyable! 


Some teachers used the competition as an inter-school tournament. They took part themselves and challenged pupils for the top spot.


Imagine the fun of competing against Sir or Miss. The best part is that by entering the competition pupils don't even realise they're improving their skills! It's a win for the teachers and a win for the pupils. 


Learning this skill improves productivity and workflow and allows pupils to focus on planning and creative writing. 

As of the end of September, several of our schools are already off the mark and pupil determination to win the tournament is clear!


Come on, teachers, don't wait. Get your pupils learning now. The sooner they start, the sooner they can put their new skill to practise. Once automatised, it'll become as easy as their A, B, C's!



Administrators: Simply ‘click’ the red button in your admin panel to automatically enrol your pupils into the tournament!



Once entered, they simply ‘click’ the trophy symbol at the top of their screen for a one-touch login to the tournament.





Last year’s winners, were St. Paul’s Girls’ School. Well done to Alex who claimed first prize, and well done to Giles Bennett , Deputy Head and Director of Innovation for his continual enthusiasm and encouragement to all 800+ pupils in learning the skill of touch typing.



“In about 1997, my late father bought a CD-ROM from a discount bin at Makro. It was KAZ - Learn To Touch Type in 90 Minutes (PC). At that time, I was a teenager who loved everything to do with computers, so I tried it out and sure enough, within 90 minutes I could touch type. I was convinced!



When I became a teacher, I thought I would like to recreate that same enthusiasm for touch typing in my learners, using the same platform if possible. I was delighted to find a web version of KAZ with options such as audio guidance, different fonts and colour schemes to personalise it for neurodiverse students. We have students with a wide range of SEND (from dyslexia to visual impairment), all of whom are fully supported by the KAZ platform, with a wide range of adaptations embedded within the product.



It might seem odd to focus on touch typing with all the newer technologies we have today. As exciting as voice dictation and other such technologies are, they aren't always perfect. Voice recognition isn't particularly good at dealing with regional dialects and accents. It is not practicable in a traditional working environment, in an office or a school classroom because of the background noise. Touch typing will be a core skill for decades: it is one of the building blocks of digital competence.”


Well done to Alex and St. Paul’s Girls’ School.



There is a first for everything and here is something that has never happened before but is very, very Christmassy! After all, ’tis the season of goodwill to all and one especially for sharing.


Administrators, simply 'click' the red button on your admin panel to automatically enter your pupils into the tournament. 



Once entered, pupil’s ‘click’ the trophy symbol at the top of their screen for a one-touch login to the tournament.



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