
Duke of Edinburgh Awards

Approved Activity Skills Provider

“Thank you so much. Not only is this a great new skill to learn... but we think it will hugely benefit him for his GCSE’s and beyond.” (Mother of Max – Age, 15)
  • Bronze

  • Silver

  • Gold

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme is the world’s leading achievement award for young adults aged 14-24. It consists of three awards, Bronze, Silver and Gold, each offering a balanced programme of four activities, including volunteering, physical, skills and an expedition.

For Individuals, Schools & Colleges - suitable for mainstream and neurodivergent learners

Gain a Skill and an optional Qualification

KAZ Type is a DofE Approved Activity Skills Provider. We offer young adults the opportunity to learn the modern-day life skill of touch typing and gain a National Ofqual Regulated Qualification (which adds to education records) as part of their Bronze, Silver and Gold awards.

Available options

Bronze & Silver Awards (13-week course)

Online touch typing training only


Online touch typing training and National Ofqual Regulated Assessment/Qualification in touch typing skills - Level 1(4 credits)

Gold Award - (6 month course)

Online touch typing training only


Online touch typing training and National Ofqual Regulated Assessment/Qualification in touch typing skills - Level 2 (6 credits)

Why learn touch typing as a skill?

Learning to touch type equips participants with an invaluable modern-day life skill which can help whilst in school, writing personal statements, in HE/FE (course work, Dissertations etc.) and the workplace.

Why gain a National Ofqual Regulated Qualification?

Ofqual is the office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation.

Gaining a National Ofqual Regulated Qualification in touch typing skills that adds to education records, provides participants with extra credits and equips them with an asset to showcase on social media profiles, UCAS forms, CVs and job applications.

Why learn to touch type with KAZ for your DofE skill?


We have been teaching touching typing skills for over 30 years, and our software is recognised and used in schools, colleges and universities worldwide.


Our specialised multi-sensory software is suitable for both mainstream learners and learners with Special Educational Needs.


Our Accelerated Learning teaching method is tried, tested and proven. It was trialled by the Open University, which was so impressed with the results that they deployed it to 100,000 students and wrote a white paper on its effectiveness.


Being an online course & assessment, participants can log in from wherever they have an internet signal – school, home, library etc. and the software is suitable for PCs, Macs, Chromebooks and iPads with a Bluetooth keyboard.

Verify & Award

We believe that achievement should be celebrated:

Touch typing training only - Digital certificate of touch typing awarded.

Optional qualification - Digital Ofqual certificate with qualification added to education record.

Safe & Secure

We take online safety very seriously. We are members of and abide by their strict rules and regulations. View our Data Protection & Privacy Policy:

Online DofE Course Details

How we Teach

Easily – Efficiently - Effectively
  • This Approved Activity Skills course is for participants taking their Bronze, Silver or Gold DofE Award.

  • Participants can join at any time.

  • The Bronze and Silver Award ‘Course only’ & ‘Course and Ofqual Regulated Qualification (Level 1)’ lasts 12 weeks.

  • The Gold Award ‘Course only’ & ‘Course and Ofqual Regulated Qualification (Level 2)’ lasts six months.

  • All participants receive individual login codes, allowing them access to the course to train and practice at school, college or home at a time that suits them best.

    • Within a week of completing the DofE course, a digital course completion certificate will be issued, and the Assessor's report uploaded to the DofE portal.

    • Course resources include:

      • Posture Guide

      • Home-row Key Guide

      • Interface Guide

      • Course Guide

      • Structured Weekly Lesson Plan

      • For Ofqual qualification - Assessment Guide & Revision Notes (Online Theory Assessment)

  • Our online course is a tutorial and consists of six modules. Participants should start at the top and work through each module in order, following their structured weekly lesson plan. Weekly Zoom sessions are also available to discuss progress, guide, support and encourage.

    • Schools/Colleges/Centres - Teachers will create pupil licenses via their admin panel, monitor progress and submit reports for uploading to the eDofE portal.

    • The course is presented very simply, ensuring instruction is clear and easy to follow.

    • The opening Preference Screen, designed with the Dyslexia Research Trust, helps minimise visual disturbances for those participants who need it.

Modules include:

Flying Start– Introduces the course, the navigational tool and the home-row keys; teaches correct posture whilst sitting at a computer and the meaning, causes, signs, symptoms and preventative measures of Repetitive Strain Injury

The Basics– Teaches the A-Z keys using our five scientifically structured and trademarked phrases. Each phrase takes just 15 – 20 minutes

Just Do It – Reinforces the A-Z keys and builds muscle memory with additional exercises and fun challenge modules

And The Rest – Teaches the number and punctuation keys

SpeedBuilder – Offers daily practice - increasing speed and accuracy

Open Awards Ofqual Regulated Assessment (optional)– Consists of a Theory Assessment and a Practical Typing Test.

  • Per DofE requirements, participants are required to practice for 1 hour a week. However, after they have learned the a-z keys in the ‘Basics’ module, we recommend 15 -30 minutes of daily practice on the ‘Challenge’ and ‘SpeedBuilder’ Modules to build muscle memory, speed and accuracy.

  • Once participants have completed the course and are ready to sit the Ofqual Assessment:

  • School/Colleges– a teacher/administrator will act as Invigilator, per our Invigilator Guidelines.

    Individuals– a parent/guardian must be present in the room (if the participant is under 16) whilst being recorded via webcam facilities, per our Invigilator Guidelines.

The Assessment comprises of two modules:
Bronze & Silver Awards

Theory Paper – Level 1 (4 credits)

Duration -35 minutes

Multiple Choice & True/False questions on:

  • Correct posture when sitting at the computer

  • Touch typing technique

  • Repetitive Strain Injury & eye strain

Pass mark - 50% in each of the above categories

Typing Test – 3 minute duration – Level 1

  • Recording speed and accuracy

Pass mark – 25 WPM with an accuracy of 85%

Gold Award

Theory Paper – Level 2 (6 credits)

Duration - 55 minutes

Multiple Choice/True/False & Short Scenario questions on:

  • Correct posture when sitting at the computer

  • Touch typing technique

  • Repetitive Strain Injury and eye strain

  • Care of your screen and keyboard

Pass mark - 50% in each of the above categories

Typing Test – 3 minute duration – Level 2

Recording speed and accuracy

Pass mark – 35 WPM with an accuracy of 85%

Prices for Individuals, Schools and Colleges:

All prices

We do not store or hold any card information.
For security and your peace of mind TRU//ST PAYMENTS is our trusted secure payment gateway provider
Our website uses an IP locator, so you should view all prices in the currency of your country. However, if you are working behind a VPN - prices will default to Sterling. If this is the case and you require a VAT refund, please contact us via email, providing details of your company registration number, id and address.
VAT added at checkout if applicable.

Mobile friendly. All our products comprise both UK and North American options.

Copyright KAZ Type Limited 2025. KAZ is a registered trade mark of KAZ Type Limited.

Developed by : STERNIC Pvt. Ltd.