
DSA/Workplace - Specialised touch typing software

Developed with advice and guidance from the Dyslexia Research and the Thomas Pocklington Trusts.

Accelerated Learning

  • Specialised ‘preference screen’ addressing visual disturbances

  • Proven Accelerated Learning teaching method increasing efficiency & productivity

  • Dedicated module aiding short working memory

  • VI option compatible with JAWS & most other screen readers

  • Text edition suitable for the hearing impaired

Cut study time by 50%

Typing for the hard of hearing and deaf

Imagine cutting study time in half and getting thoughts onto the screen easily and without stress.

It’s possible if you learn how to touch type.

Typing for the hard of hearing and deaf

How Does it Work?

When you type with just two fingers or dictate using a scribe or dictation software, you use your conscious mind (you think as you work). This can create mental overload and anxiety.

However, when you learn to touch type using all digits, the skill is automatised and moves to your subconscious, freeing your conscious mind to think and concentrate on more important tasks such as:

Planning, creative writing, processing, proofreading and editing.

It reduces mental load and increases efficiency, productivity & workflow.

It’s like driving a car. Once you’ve learned, you look in the mirror and change gears automatically.

The Subconscious Skill also:

Levels the playing field

Instils confidence

Reduces anxiety

Used in exams & in the workplace

What does Research and Feedback Suggest?

One of the significant barriers to studying effectively is mental well-being, and any resource that can reduce anxiety and promote learning, confidence and morale is beneficial to student wellness.

Student Outcome &
Research findings and feedback from assessors suggest that touch typing and computer use can be formidable and life-changing tools that can open doors for students with specific learning difficulties, as they present a new and powerful medium for learning and communicating.

Saving several hours of study per day at a computer can reduce student anxiety and automatically boost mental awareness, confidence, and self-esteem, improving overall well-being.

Assessors’ Guide

KAZ’s specialised touch typing app was specifically developed to support students struggling with challenges that impact the writing process, efficiency, productivity and anxiety.

KAZ’s specialised touch typing app was specifically developed to support students struggling with challenges that impact the writing process, efficiency, productivity and anxiety.

KAZ’s specialised touch typing app was specifically developed to support students struggling with challenges that impact the writing process, efficiency, productivity and anxiety.

KAZ’s specialised touch typing app was specifically developed to support students struggling with challenges that impact the writing process, efficiency, productivity and anxiety.

KAZ’s multi-sensory approach, customisable options, structured and focused teaching techniques, and dedicated module aiding short working memory help provide valuable support to students whilst learning the skill.

Typically, students who may benefit from using KAZ will present with one or more of the following challenges:

KAZ has been approved by the DSA funding bodies to support students with specific learning difficulties and challenges such as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dysgraphia, ASD, ADHD and Tourette’s, as well as Mears- Irlen, physical disabilities, hearing and visual impairment, amongst others.

They recognise that KAZ is an entirely different tool to dictation software and a rehappy for assessors to recommend it as a stand-alone product or alongside dictation software, depending on the student’s needs.

Request a FREE webinar or watch this tutorial on how the KAZ course works.

Typing can prove to be an essential tool in FE/HE and in a busy and demanding workplace where other software, such as dictation, may be problematic to use on a daily basis, such as in nursing.

Suitable for students with the following differences: Dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, ASD, ADHD, Tourette’s, Mears-Irlen, VI and hearing impairment, amongst others.

Following extensive trials, the Open University produced a white paper on the effectiveness of KAZ and subsequently provided KAZ to all its 90,000+ students each year for 14 years. LearnDirect has provided KAZ to over 100,000 students and Scottish LearnDirect to over 30,000 students.

Available editions:
International pricing see below or click here
Unique ‘Preference Screen’ - especially effective for students with visual disturbance

Incorporating a multi-sensory approach throughout, KAZ’s Neurodiverse edition teaches typing skills whilst minimising visual disturbances by means of a unique 'preference screen', offering a choice of preferences.

Once the student has chosen their preferences and can read the sample text comfortably, their options are saved and applied throughout the course.

Visually impaired users will benefit from KAZ’s audio descriptive version, which includes ‘speaking keys’ and spoken instruction.

Deaf and hearing impaired users will benefit from KAZ’s text only version, with written and visual instruction.

Open Awards Badge of Excellence

This new edition was designed to incentivise students to complete their training. It consists of KAZ's Neurodiverse course, with an online assessment module incorporating a Multiple Choice Paper and Typing Test.

On completing the 6th and final assessment module, students will receive a digital Badge of Excellence to showcase on their social media profiles, CVs and job application forms.

Copyright KAZ Type Limited 2025. KAZ is a registered trade mark of KAZ Type Limited.

Developed by : STERNIC Pvt. Ltd.