
Immediate Outcome

“I had to write to let you know about a recent experience I had with a DSA student who was awarded KAZ Typing Tutor. We had some time left in a session and so we started the typing course. I couldn’t believe that within 45 minutes, they were able to find all the keys on the keyboard and were able to (albeit slowly) touch type!

As an AT Trainer, I don’t see this product recommended enough, it has revolutionised how the student is working. One of the problems with typing out work is that by the time the students have picked out the keys with one or two fingers they have forgotten what they were trying to say.

Once they knew where the keys were, they were able to concentrate on what they were thinking and not on the keys.

Sometimes learning new software can be daunting and takes time to become a fluent user. To be able to see an immediate outcome from a tool gives such a confidence boost.

We were able to customise the screen, the phrases were bite size and they were able to ‘do’ it, so a kinaesthetic learning approach. The student was keen to work on building up speed and as most future job roles will involve computer work, they now have this skill for life!”

Best Wishes,

Susan Bullock (AT Trainer, Workplace Coach & DSA Assessor) 26/05/2023

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