
Touch typing tournament



Touch typing tournament 





It won’t be easy - competition will be fierce - enter if you dare…


There will be just ONE WINNER!



Start Date: September 10th 2020


End Date:   June 30th 2021


(Schools can join in at any time during the year)




Learning to touch type can sometimes be considered a bit of a chore but the launch of KAZ’s very first touch typing tournament earlier this year created a whirl of excitement amongst schools across the world. Not only did it engage and encourage pupils to learn the skill but it also brought out their competitive spirit.

Being a specialised course, both mainstream, as well as pupils with dyslexia took part, as touch typing is a skill they often excel in.

After fluctuations in leadership, we are delighted to announce that Mew Hansiriphan of Shrewsbury School has been crowned champion, with a score of 65 WPM and 89% accuracy. Congratulations to MEW!


 Prizes for 2020-2021 

The winning student: 


The student with the highest number of words per minute will receive a KAZ Touch Typing Winner’s Certificate and if 14 years or above, a free City & Guilds licence. (In the event of a younger student winning, their City & Guilds licence will be kept on hold until they reach the required age.) 



The winning school: 

The KAZ Touch Typing Trophy 2020

A year’s free renewal of their KAZ Typing Tutor licence 

Will be showcased on our website

Will be celebrated on all social media and press




Terms & Conditions

All schools entering must already have or take out a KAZ licence 

Schools can register and join in any time during the competition

To enter students into the competition, teachers simply press the ‘Typing Tournament’ button on their dashboard/admin panel and all students who are already using KAZ will be automatically entered. 

Students who do not wish to compete, need not take part

Teachers will be able to view all their students’ progress and highest scores at all times on their dashboard - so if they wish to hold their own school competition, they can



Only KAZ administrators will have access to the cumulative student data and the results of the top students will be published on our site, at the end of each month. Naturally, we will display either a pseudonym or just the Christian name of the student but will display the school name. (Please note: teachers will only have access to their own student data.)



  Current Champions




“We believe that school should be ‘serious fun’”, says Headmaster, Leo Winkley.

 “Learning and enjoyment go hand in hand and it takes place not only in the classroom but also through a vibrant co-curricular programme.

KAZ’s Touch-typing course is one of the activities on offer to all pupils at Shrewsbury. It is very popular among pupils and is championed enthusiastically by teacher Karen Mitchell, Head of Learning Support.”

 “Touch-typing is a valuable life-skill that not only supports pupils’ academic studies at school but also their future career paths.

As your typing skills improve, you save time, you can focus on the text on the monitor rather than on the keypad, and it improves your accuracy. Learning to touch-type properly also has health benefits, as it ensures you sit correctly at your computer, which is good for your spine, increases your productivity and unleashes the potential of your brain.

Our pupils very much enjoyed the challenge of taking part in the KAZ Worldwide Touch-Typing Tournament and we were thrilled to be told that the competition had been won by one of our Fifth Formers (Year 10s), Mew Hansiriphan. Mew worked extremely hard at improving his typing speed and accuracy and he is to be warmly congratulated for his achievement.”


The KAZ team would like to congratulate Shrewsbury School on winning their complimentary annual school licence, as well as the champion’s trophy. We hope they enjoy showing it off. 

A particular congratulations to Mew on his fantastic achievement! Very well done! We hope you’re very proud of your winner’s certificate and complimentary ‘City & Guilds’ licence. 

We would also like to thank all the schools who took part. A very special mention to ESMS schools in Edinburgh, whose students took 2nd and 3rd place respectively. 

Lastly, thank you to all students who competed. For those of you who have now left school, we really hope your typing skills help you through further education and in your future careers. To students still at school, good luck in this year’s tournament!


Remember, the difference between 40 wpm and 100+ wpm is just practice!


With online learning now crucial for both delivering and submitting school work, the advantages of teaching students touch typing skills are now more essential than ever.


Give your students a head start – Prepare them for ‘O’ levels, FE and the workplace - Teach them to type – Make it fun – Enter the tournament!


Good luck and may the best school win!




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