Accelerated Learning teaching method
Accelerated Learning is the most advanced teaching and learning method in use today.
It is a 'total system' for speeding up and enhancing both the design and learning process, whereby results improve significantly and the time taken to learn is dramatically reduced.
Based on brain research, it has been proven time and again to increase learning effectiveness.

Accelerated Learning - Brief History
Between 1950-1980, in depth research into memory and learning was carried out by numerous psychologists, notably Dr. Georgi Lozanov, who applied the results to a method for language learning called Suggestopaedia. This was the first attempt to apply a teaching method which held the same ideals and theories to what is known today as Accelerated Learning.
The journal stated that: 'Suggestopaedic teaching methods ... are completely different from all other methods of teaching. After continuous research, twenty UNESCO experts from different countries came to the following conclusions:
- There is consensus that Suggestopaedia is a generally superior teaching method for many subjects and for many types of students, compared with traditional methods...
- Suggestopaedic teacher training should be started as soon as possible…'

The 'Accelerated Learning Method' of teaching is based on this research.
‘As individuals, we receive and process information in different ways, depending on our personality and our cognition. We all have our own preferred learning style, a way of learning that suits us best. If we know and use the techniques that match our preferred way of learning, we learn more naturally and because it is natural, it becomes easier and because it is easier, we learn quicker - ‘Accelerated Learning’.
We now know that we do not have a fixed single IQ, but a range of at least seven or eight different forms of intelligence. Individually, we tend to develop some of these more than others and prefer to use them. These differences help account for our own individual personal learning styles.
Additionally, we tend to prefer using one or more of our senses as we learn. Some of us are more visual, others more auditory, and others, more tactile - preferring a more 'hands-on' approach.
The key factor is, if the way we are taught closely matches the way we like to learn, results improve significantly and the time taken to learn is reduced – ‘Accelerated Learning’. (
This is why the KAZ Accelerated Learning program is so effective. Using a multi-sensory approach throughout, it enables the student to hone in on their preferred way of learning, engaging the major senses of sight, sound and touch simultaneously, radically enhancing memory retention and recall - followers of Neuro Linguistic Programming will recognise this.
In addition, the five trademarked and scientifically composed phrases in the program, use specific letters, training and engaging the same fingers of both hands to work symmetrically and simultaneously – a direct result of both hemispheres of the brain working at the same time - 'brain balance'.
The KAZ Typing Tutor course integrates music, imagery, animation, spoken and written language, along with interactive instruction, in order to achieve a learning experience that closely matches each individuals preferred style of learning.